Wednesday 3 June 2009

A little leadership lesson....

Anyone that has studied the very basics of leadership will know that in the most simple terms effective leadership is made up of 3 elements:


You have to look after all 3 to ensure success. Looking at Gordon Brown's leadership I am really struggling to see if he understands even the basics!! For starters he doesn't even seem to know what his task is, it is hard to focus on maintaining the aim when you don't even have one! And unless you are unlucky enough to have the surname Balls then you can forget he is thinking about the individuals in his team. As for the team, well......

I have taught 16 year olds with better leadership than this man.

1 comment:

  1. That's why I suspect we (hopefully) have a mutiny on our hands. There are a lot of disgruntled individuals in the Labour party!
